Finally I got around to swatching the China Glaze Neons On The Shore!
China Glaze Neons On The Shore consists of 12 neon polishes, 6 cremes and 6 jellies. Today I'll be showing the 6 creme polishes from the collection, and the 6 jellies will be coming up in the next post, hopefully in a few days. :)
The creme polishes from this collection were not easy to swatch and were even harder to photograph! They are like.. well.. Creme polishes! They're thick, and needed some creme painting skills to even out. In the end I just dropped a load of thinner into each of them before I paint them on my nails.. It took an average 3 coats of colour and a good top coat (seche vite) for me to get them nice and smooth.
My camera couldn't capture the neon at all and I had to go all over the house to try find the best environment and camera for the color to show. It's quite the nightmare I tell you.. And that would explain the inconsistent background in the photos and some poor quality shots.
All in all, probably none of the pictures managed to capture the real colors but I picked those that are closest to what I see on my nails.
First up is China Glaze Sun Of A Peach, an Orange neon creme polish.
Does this look familiar to you? Cos this is probably what China Glaze Peachy Keen + Neon liquid(?) would look like. Seriously. I think what China Glaze actually did with this collection is take some of their old popular colours, add some neon magic to them and tadah! You get Neons On The Shore.
Like I said, actual colour in real life in much more neon than shown in the pictures. I applied 3 coats for this. Usually my hands look sucky with Orange, but this actually looks okay. I guess the Neon factor helped.
China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle, An Aqua neon creme polish.
China Glaze Too Yacht To Handle is an aqua blue neon creme and I'm pretty sure it's the neon version of China Glaze's super popular For Audrey.
Please pump up the neon factor yourself, my camera couldn't handle all that brightness. This is 3 coats as well.
China Glaze Neons & On & On, A Pinky Orange neon creme polish.
China Glaze Neon & On & On is described by China Glaze as a Pink neon polish, but I think there's quite a bit of Orange in it as well. Can be classified as a borderline coral?
I don't have any creme equivalent of it from China Glaze so I can't tell which polish is this modified from..
As usual, actual colour is more neon in real life. I love this kind of colour.. they are very flattering on my skin. :)
This is 3 coats of polish.
China Glaze Highlight Of My Summer, A mint Green neon creme polish.
This 1 is quite a no brainer.. Anyone familiar with China Glaze's popular shades can tell with a look that this is the baby of China Glaze's Re-fresh Mint with neon magic fluid.
Applied 3 coat for this. This is one of the pictures which the neon is almost non-existent.
Beautiful mint green neon. I don't think I have anything like this is my collection (not counting re-fresh mint since that's not neon). My neon greens are usually those highlighter green.
China Glaze That's Shore Bright, a Purple neon creme polish.
That's Shore Bright is the type of purple that is impossible to capture.. For me that is.. It's the type of purple that always look too blue. This is the closest I can get to the actual colour.
A non-neon equivalent of this nail polish might be China Glaze's Spontaneous?
This is the only polish from the collection so far which I only needed 2 coats to get an opaque and even finish. However the neon factor is the least so far as well. :(
Last but not least, China Glaze Bottoms Up, a bright Pink neon creme polish.
The best description for China Glaze Bottoms Up is probably Barbie Pink in neon. A very popping colour that reminds me of Nicki Minaj somehow I dont know why, since I don't listen to her songs. I only knew about her from her OPI collection released last year.. LOL
The only Barbie Pink I have from China Glaze is Dance Baby and well.. Barbie pink is Barbie pink.. I guess you can say Bottoms Up is neon-tified Dance Baby.. My photos don't do this polish justice, it's much much more neon in actual!
3 coats of beautiful neon pink on my nails. I am falling in love with this on my nails! It's makes me happy just looking at it! It's just such a happy color.
I think you would be able see it on my nails from a mile away.. it's so bright! LOL
So all China Glaze fans out there.. What do you think? Would you be getting these revamped neon-tified China Glaze popular shades?
And to my Singapore readers, China Glaze Neons On The Shore are now available for sale at PolishAlley! :)
Check out the remaining 6 shades from the Neons On The Shore collection here!